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The Military’s Automated Spectrum Management and Electronic Warfare System

mySPECTRA for Defense

In a highly contested and congested electromagnetic environment, the military uses mySPECTRA for Defense for frequency management, spectrum management, electronic warfare, network and mission planning.

mySPECTRA for Defense is based on a central depository that stores all spectrum relevant data and includes task specific software modules to support:

Spectrum planning

Frequency supportability

Host nation and international coordination

Frequency assignment and allocation

Battle space planning

Systematic frequency coordination procedure for communication and intelligence tasks

Electronic Warfare

Mission planning

Frequency de-confliction

Spectrum mutual interference, jamming, mitigation and resolution

Spectrum sharing

Make Your Spectrum Management System Even Smarter!

Complement your system with:

Smart Spectrum Engineering & Technical Frequency Analysis SPECTRAemc

The most powerful spectrum engineering solution that assures optimal spectrum usage with the aid of fully automated coverage predictions, interference assessments and channel assignments.

Management of Frequency Plans with SPECTRAplan

SPECTRAplan is an advanced spectrum planning software for management of frequency plans. Define the rules for distribution and assignment of frequencies to dedicated stations. Frequency allocation tables from the ITU for the relevant regions are included in the tool.

Digital Mapping Data

Benefit from accurate digital mapping data that is tailored for your requirements.


Automated spectrum monitoring, direction finding and geolocation system with powerful software and comprehensive hardware portfolio.